Custom Courses

We digitize your company’s written processes and make them available to your staff on our e-learning platform.

This is what we do

Fly Process Training builds online courses ranging from effortless new hire onboarding modules to complex software simulations specific to your business.

This is how we save you money

Fly Process courses replace the need to “hand-hold” employees through onboarding or training cycles while minimizing the need to print training materials.

This is how we protect your data

Your trust and privacy are important to us; every Fly Process agreement starts with a confidentiality clause to protect the integrity of your internal processes. All courses are hosted on a dedicated and secured e-learning website built exclusively for your company.

This is how you tell it's working

Fly Process Training provides insightful report cards for all employees so you can always monitor their training successes.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve put together a few tidbits so you can better understand our methods

How does this save me money?

Fly Process Training replaces the need to “hand-hold” employees through the onboarding or training cycles while minimizing the need to print training materials.

As an example, some of our clients use Fly Process HR courses to explain all policies and procedures to a new hire before that person even sets foot in the office. It’s a condition of employment for them to complete the course before their first day of work.

Your managers have more important things to do than to train new hires. The beauty about our product is that it digitizes your own processes and converts them into e-learning courses. Your staff is given credentials to log into a secure Learning Center built specifically for your company to start learning immediately and without constant supervision.

BONUS: You no longer need to print training materials because all of Fly Process courses live on the cloud!

What can the courses do?

Given that our courses are custom made for your business needs, there is very little that they cannot do! There are many components that can be used to custom build your courses such as: slide deck presentations, video, software demos, etc… followed by quizzes, report cards and/or completion certificates.

We can and recommend adding safeguards to ensure that no “cheating” or “fast-forwarding” happens to guarantee that the entire content is always delivered to the student.

Are my company processes kept safe?

100% safe.

Your unique learning environment is fully encrypted with password protection and only accessible to the employees you create credentials for. To prevent information leakage during employee turnover, once someone is dismissed, so are their credentials.

We’re in the business of facilitating your training and earning your trust.

We Build Your e-Learning Environment

Fly Process Training works with your business to build virtual cutting edge courses that are interactive, secure, available on most devices while remaining cost-effective.

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”

– Benjamin Franklin

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